About Us

Welcome to MedTableAR, the innovative augmented reality platform that is transforming anatomy education. Originally designed by VizitechUSA in Georgia, MedTableAR has been making waves in the educational technology landscape since its initial release in 2019.

Our Journey

MedTableAR was born out of a passion for creating engaging and interactive educational tools that enhance the learning experience. Developed by the visionary team at VizitechUSA, MedTableAR has evolved significantly since its inception. During the 2020/2021 school year, we undertook a comprehensive redesign and update of the platform to incorporate the latest advancements in AR technology and educational methodologies. This resulted in the re-release of MedTableAR in 2022, featuring enhanced functionality, improved graphics, and even more immersive learning experiences. 

Looking Ahead

Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that MedTableAR remains at the forefront of educational innovation. We are excited to announce that further updates are expected in Fall 2024 and beyond. These updates will bring new features, expanded content, and additional capabilities to further enrich the teaching and learning process.

Our Mission

At MedTableAR, our mission is to empower educators and inspire students by providing a cutting-edge tool that makes learning anatomy fun and effective. We believe in the power of visual learning and interactive exploration and are dedicated to delivering a product that meets the evolving needs of the educational community.
Thank you for choosing MedTableAR. We look forward to being a part of your educational journey and helping to shape the future of anatomy education.
For more information or to get in touch with our team, please contact us at info@medtablear.com.